Prenatal Yoga

This 6-Week Prenatal Yoga Series is designed to transform your pregnancy journey!

In this series, we will combine birth affirmations with yoga postures sequenced to support your ever changing body. Discussions with other expecting mamas will help you connect to the shared experience of pregnancy.

What you can expect:

  • Introductions to foster a sense of community among participants

  • A gentle yoga practice that celebrates your pregnant body

  • Postures chosen to target your physical body and mental well-being

  • Guided meditation that leaves you with a sense of reassurance and positive expectation about your baby's birth

  • Small class size

How you will benefit:

  • Address the common discomforts of pregnancy through stretching and elongating the muscles and ligaments

  • Learn safe and healthy ways to support your ever changing body

  • Foster a sense of trust in your body's ability to grow and birth your baby

  • Improve your sleep and reduce your daily stress

  • Learn to surrender in preparation for birth and motherhood

  • Practice breathing exercises as a coping tool to bring into your birth experience 

*NO Experience is necessary to join this popular series. You can begin at any stage of pregnancy.

2025 Class Dates & Details:

Our next online 6-Week Prenatal Yoga Series are scheduled on Wednesday evenings from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm:

  • January 15th to February 12th - (5 Week Series) $100

  • March 5th to April 9th

  • May 7th to June 11th

  • August 27th to October 1st

  • October 15th to November 19th

*Class capacity: min 3, max7 students

Investment: $120

Did you know?

Practicing yoga during pregnancy has been statistically shown to have a positive impact on birth! Join us and experience less stress, better birth outcomes, and an increased tolerance for pain.

Register today!